Masuk Daftar

jalur sepadan bahasa Inggris

  • jalur:    strip; course; line; path; magnetic tape;
  • sepadan:    commensurable; equal; oppose; twin; equivalent;
  • sepadan:    commensurable; equal; oppose; twin; equivalent; proportionate; correspond; equalize; equivalent weight; equate; accommodate; befit; tally; meet; fit; rival; become; appropriate; pair; harmonious; gi
  • penghargaan sepadan:    just reward
  • sepadan dengan:    a good match for; equal to; equaled to; equaling to; work in with; worked in with
  • tidak sepadan:    jar with; jared with; jaring with; mismatch; too much for one
  • cara yang sepadan:    analogous way
  • huraian pendek sepadan dengan wikidata:    short description matches wikidata
  • jalur:    strip; course; line; path; magnetic tape; stripes; stretch; radio spectrum; band; waveband; slip; light beam; ray of light; bar; stria; shaft; route; lane; beam of light; banding; line of merchandis
  • jalur-jalur cabang:    branch strip
  • analisis jalur:    path analysis (statistics)
  • bagan jalur:    band chart
  • bantalan jalur:    line pad
  • berjalur-jalur:    striped; stripy
  • jalur (radio):    radio spectrum